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Etiqueta: ciencia ficción

Zargon Zoo

A story at Level 2 of a series of children's illustrated readers which are graded at five levels, according to length and complexity of plot. The stories cover a wide variety of genres, and have both British and foreign settings. Paul Shipton narrates us how Phil thinks Grantford is boring,...

The Truth Machine

"It is the year 2004. Violent Crime is the number one political issue in America. Now the Swift and Sure Anti-Crime bill guarantees a previously convicted violent criminal one fair trial, one quick plea, then immediate execution. To prevent abuse of the law, a “Truth Machine” must be built...

Journey to Universe City

Four young people go on a "Journey to Universe City" into space. They have a problem on the way. It is dangerous. They must decide who can stay on the spaceship.

The Lost World 

Edward Malone is determined to prove to his beloved Gladys that he's a man of adventure. Accompanied by Professor Challenger, Professor Summerlee and Lord John Roxton, Edward embarks on an expedition like no other. Deep into the Amazon the four men go, in search of a “lost world” where...

The Invisible Man

A stranger arrives in a small village wearing a long coat and gloves. His head is covered in bandages and dark glasses hide his eyes. The villagers are curious. Who is he? When they discover the stranger’s terrible secret, they realize that they are in great danger.

Bicentenial Man

Andrew Martin is a robot, designed and made to serve and obey humans. As he learns through artificial intelligence, he became to want to be human himself because he feels emotions, unlike other robots... Pero los robots son inmortales, mientras que los humanos no...

El juego de Ender

La Tierra se ve amenazada por la especie extraterrestre de los insectos, seres que se comunican telepáticamente y que se consideran totalmente distintos de los humanos, a los que quieren destruir. Para vencerles, la humanidad necesita de un genio militar y por ello se permite el nacimiento de "Ender",...

Piratas de Venus

Novela de ciencia-ficción con la que se inicia la serie de Venus, compuesta por cinco volúmenes, escrita por el novelista americano creador de Tarzán. En ésta, el sportman americano Carson Napier, a bordo de un cohete espacial, aterriza accidentalmente en Venus, poblada por seres muy parecidos a los terrestres,...

Perdidos en Venus

“Perdidos en Venus” es una novela de aventuras escrita por Edgar Rice Burroughs. En esta novela asistimos a la lucha del protagonista por la supervivencia en un entorno tan hostil como letal. En la habitación de las Siete Puertas, Carson Napier se enfrentará a la elección de su vida....

El vino del estío

En tres prodigiosos meses, Douglas observa, escucha, saborea las sorpresas rituales de un verano: el descubrimiento de la vida y la muerte, el último tranvía, la limpieza de las alfombras, la aparición de las hamacas en los porches, la cosecha del “vino del estío”... pero también máquinas y magias...