A Ghost Collection

Dos chicos entran en una vieja casa donde vive Sally. Ella puede verlos a ellos pero ellos no pueden ver a ella. Los tres estan intentando encontrar algo. ¿Qué?... Esta y otras historias de fantasmas nos ofrece Anne Stanmore en este delicioso y terrorífico volumen llamado "A Ghost Collection".

In the Begining

“In the Begining”, perhaps a million years ago, there were two tribes. They lived in Africa. Both fight, but… Love and fight in a short relate by John Christopher.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

La escritora estadounidense Betty Smith (Brooklyn, 1896-1972) nos ofrece una entrañable y encantadora novela, sobre el así llamado ‘sueño americano’: muchas familias traspasaron el océano para buscar, en tierras americanas, un porvenir mejor, especialmente para sus hijos. En este caso, se nos narra, con bastante detalle, las sacrificadas andanzas...
Lewis Jones tells us in "The Story of Madame Tussaud's" how she opens its doors every morning, but for two hours before that, people had been hard at work on some of the models washing or cleaning hairs and clothes and coluring the faces of the models. They must...
Breve biografía de “Fray Junípero Serra… y lo que le debe Norteamérica”, incidiendo, sobre todo, por supuesto, en las fundaciones que tantísimo ayudaron al desarrollo de los indios nativos a lo largo de California. La obra original está escrita  en idioma inglés por Álvaro Gil Ruiz con el título de...

Menagerie Manor

Menagerie Manor is sure to delight fans of Durrell’s beloved classic “My Family and Other Animals” (the inspiration for The Durrells in Corfu on Masterpiece) and other accounts of his lifelong fascination with members of the animal kingdom. With his unfailing charm, Gerald Durrell tells the story of how...

The Secret of the Stones

Twins Max and Laura spend an exciting summer in a small village near Stonehenge. A mysterious symbol, their uncle's old book of codes and secrets, strange people looking for a secret and much more. Victoria Heward questions us: What is "The Secret of the Stones"? Acompañado por un CD de...
Back in middle school after summer vacation, Greg Heffley and his older brother Rodrick must deal with their parents' misguided attempts to have them bond. Jeff Kinney wrote this “Rodrick Rules”, one of the episodes from the series “Diary of a wimpy kid”.
This award-winning graded readers series is full of original fiction especially written for teenagers. Andy and Mary are twins. During the school holidays, they accompany their mother on a business trip to Amsterdam. Andy and Mary witness what they believe to be two criminals hiding a painting from an...


“Beowulf” es el más antiguo de los poemas épicos de cierta extensión que nos ha legado la literatura germánica, equiparable por su belleza y relevancia al ‘Poema de Mío Cid’ o a la ‘Canción de Roldán’. El poema narra las peripecias del héroe Beowulf en dos periodos de su...