A Little Trouble in Amsterdam

This award-winning graded readers series is full of original fiction especially written for teenagers. Andy and Mary are twins. During the school holidays, they accompany their mother on a business trip to Amsterdam. Andy and Mary witness what they believe to be two criminals hiding a painting from an art robbery. But they can’t prove anything and nobody will believe them. It´s “A Little Trouble in Amsterdam” This paperback is in British English. Available an audio recording of this title.
Novela escrita específicamente por Richard MacAndrew para jóvenes que deseen mejorar su inglés leyendo. Los gemelos Andy y Mary están con su madre cuando se encuentran “Un pequeño problema en Amsterdam”: ven algo raro y se deciden a investigar por su cuenta en una casa vacía aparentemente. ¿Qué sucederá?

Acompañado por un CD de audio.

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