Colección de 8 Tomos de los que se pueden consultar 6 con las siguientes obras:
Tomo I: Mucho ruido y pocas nueces.
Ricardo III.
Los dos hidalgos de Verona.
Tomo III: Timón de Atenas.
La vida y muerte del rey Juan.
Julio César.
Obras líricas.
Tomo IV: Pericles, príncipe de Tiro.
Las alegres casadas de Windsor.
Medida por medida.
"Three English Kings" from 3 famous William Shakespeare plays: Richard II, Henry IV and Richard III. Five hundred years ago, people believed that a king was chosen by God. Fighting or killing him was the worst crime; everybody knew this, but sometimes somebody forgot it. This was a stormy...
Doubtful it stood; As two spent swimmers, that do cling together And choke their art. The merciless Macdonwald Worthy to be a rebel, for to that the multiplying villanies of nature do swarm upon him from the western isles... “The Story of Macbeth” (full title The Tragedy of Macbeth)...