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Historia de la canción

Denis Stevens, conocido compositor y musicólogo de fama internacional, ha reunido un brillante equipo de colaboradores para realizar esta “Historia de la canción” culta y profana. El desarrollo y evolución de la canción profana desde los trovadores hasta la actualidad (1990) y las contribuciones hechas al género por los distintos...

The Story of Pop

John Byrne explain us in the book "The Story of Pop" how before The Beatles, pop music had been dominated by America. The blues was the music of American black people and the country'n western belonged to the poorer white farmers. In the 1950's the rhythms of blues were...
"Who's Who in Rock & Roll", by John Tobler is a complete, comprehensive and authoritative guide to more than 500 of the most successful and influential artists and bands in the history of popular music from the mid-1950s to the beggining of the 1990s.