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El África encontramos la cara oculta de un continente que los periódicos suele ser el de las luchas tribales, la pobreza, los golpes de Estado.
En cambio, apenas nos llega esa otra visión, también real, de la normalidad, del día a día vivido pacíficamente en muchos países del continente africano...
“Martin Luther King” was the leader of the campaign for black civil rights in the USA in the 1950s and 1960s. This book tells the story of the peaceful demonstrations he held in the southern states demanding equal rights for blacks. He faced enormous opposition but his non-violent struggle...
"Marie Curie" was the brilliant scientist who discovered radium in the earliest years of XX siecle, a discovery that changed the world: doctors were later able to help people with cancer and scientists came to know more about the atom. This book tells her life of struggle, success and...
On September 9, 1828, Leo “Tolstoy” was born in Tula Province, Russia. In the 1860s, he wrote his first great novel, War and Peace. In 1873, Tolstoy set to work on the second of his best known novels, Anna Karenina. He continued to write fiction throughout the 1880s and...
With a businessman for a father, "St. Francis" was at first more concerned with business matters thatt with learning, but in the episcopal school under the arcade of the church of S. George, the boy learned to read and write throught a colection of prayers and psalms in vernacular...
Pedro Pablo "Rubens" es uno de los más importantes y famosos pintores de la escuela flamenca, de estilo dinámico, colorista y sensual. Recibe influencias de las mitologías griega y romana clásicas y del Renacimiento. Pintó la increíble cantidad de mil quinientos cuadros, si bien es verdad que instaló en...
(Raffaello Santi, también llamado Rafael Sanzio o Rafael de Urbino, “Raphael” para la posteridad; Urbino, actual Italia, 1483 - Roma, 1520) Pintor y arquitecto italiano. Por su clasicismo equilibrado y sereno basado en la perfección de la luz, la armonía en la composición y el dominio de la perspectiva,...
Born in Moscow, Russia on June 9, 1672, “Peter the Great” was a Russian czar in the late 17th century who is best known for his extensive reforms in an attempt to establish Russia as a great nation. He created a strong navy, reorganized his army according to Western...
Sculptor, painter, architect, poet. "Michelangelo" was all these and more. He and his genius dominated the Italian Renaissance, an epoch plenty of outstanding men. He was recognized in his time, and in all of them, as one of the greatest artirts who ever lived.
The birth of the future "Louis XIV" was a grand affair of state. It was also an event thar fell just short of being miraclulous: the King and Queen had been married for 23 years and they detested each other. After that unfruitful marriage everyone had become resigned to...