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The Story of Pop

John Byrne explain us in the book "The Story of Pop" how before The Beatles, pop music had been dominated by America. The blues was the music of American black people and the country'n western belonged to the poorer white farmers. In the 1950's the rhythms of blues were...


Janie loves karate. She wants to be a black belt. Her brother, Richard, always laughs at her. But, on school prize-giving day, Richard isn't laughing.
"Who's Who in Rock & Roll", by John Tobler is a complete, comprehensive and authoritative guide to more than 500 of the most successful and influential artists and bands in the history of popular music from the mid-1950s to the beggining of the 1990s.

In the Shadow of Man

You can tell where Jane Goodall's heart lies with this simplistic book that dives into the brief family events of her beloved chimpanzees. Picking one mother chimp from her many chimpanzees she weaves together a book that shares their ties with others of their family and of their group...


Crocodiles must kill for food, but Old Big kills cows for a game. So Mr Kay, an Australian farmer, must kill him and so, preserve his farm. But Old Big does not want to die. K. R. Cripwell relates us the fight between the man and the "Crocodrile!".

Mummies and Myths

Mummies from Egypt are famous. But other ancient cultures had them, too! Explore what we can learn about our history and our “Myths from Mummies”. Use the unique code inside the book to access the online reader, complete with videos and interactive exercises.

The Hopi Indians

Who are “The Hopi Indians”? Where they live? Sue Heringman tells us about the Hopi Indians, their Villages, Reservations, Religion… She will explain us the Snake Dance, the Kachinas and Bad Spirits, the Cacique and their present and future.
Completa enciclopedia en american english que se acerca desde lo grande (el Universo, la Naturaleza) a lo pequeño (los logros de la agricultura, la industria, la pintura, la escultura, la literatura, etc para pasar a narrar los grandes hechos de la Historia de América y del mundo y recordarnos...
La ética de Aristóteles, el mejor análisis de la conducta humana que conocemos, fue elaborada con el objetivo preciso de educar a los jóvenes griegos. José Ramón Ayllón nos la acerca con motivo de la Educación para la ciudadanía.

Filosofía mínima

Se titula Filosofía mínima por su estilo coloquial, por su brevedad y por alusión a los contenidos mínimos fijados en el decreto oficial del primer curso de bachillerato. Apenas 300 páginas para unos pocos temas esenciales: la verdad, la ciencia, el origen del hombre, las dimensiones de la persona,...