Etiqueta: novela histórica
In 1492 Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Palos in Spain to Guanahani, which he renamed San Salvador. Two weeks later he discovered Cuba. In all he made four voyages to the New World, presenting Spain with a vast new empire and, through his discoveries, nearly doubling the...
The Heroes and Warriors series captures the romance and adventure of the past, by telling the stories of the lives of famous champions and warlords.
Narrated by Jason Hook, the name, life and legend of “Geronimo”, the last hostile to surrender and leader of the Apache rebelión first with Mexico...
There were a lot of stories about the Black Hills of Dakota. The Sioux people believed that they were the home of dead Soiux, who lived and walked there. The white men believed the mountains were full of god. "Custer" believed the second theory. This can lead to only...
Thi is one of the great figures of English literature. “Robin Hood” and his friends live in Sherwood Forest, where they have a series of exciting adventures. The wicked Sheriff of Nottingham is determined to capture Robin, but somehow Robin always escapes.
“El mexicano” retrata la pasión revolucionaria de un joven que se pone al servicio del levantamiento contra el general Porfirio Díaz en el México de 1910. El taciturno Felipe Rivera tiene unos ojos fríos que «arden» cuando se habla de la revolución. Dispuesto a todo para aportar fondos a...
Novel by Charles Dickens, published both serially and in book form in 1859. The story is set in the late 18th century against the background of the French Revolution. Although Dickens borrowed from Thomas Carlyle's history, The French Revolution, for his sprawling tale of London and revolutionary Paris, the...
Novel by Charles Dickens, published both serially and in book form in 1859. The story is set in the late 18th century against the background of the French Revolution. Although Dickens borrowed from Thomas Carlyle's history, The French Revolution, for his sprawling tale of London and revolutionary Paris, the...
Dos adolescentes, un polaco y un turco, se ven envueltos en el horror del asedio de Viena en 1683. Representan dos culturas enfrentadas. Aunque su oposición no es personal, las estructuras donde han nacido les enfrenta y el ver la “Sangre en las murallas”, los madura positivamente. Ambos se...
“El factor humano” es un reportaje biográfico centrado en la personalidad del ex presidente Nelson Mandela, que fue capaz de superar las diferencias que separaban a negros y blancos y hacer viable el nuevo Estado de Sudáfrica, basado en la libertad e igualdad de todos los ciudadanos de cualquier...
Novela ambientada en la segunda mitad del siglo IV d. C. La hija de un noble de Éfeso está prometida en matrimonio al cruel gobernador de la provincia. Para evitar la boda y no dañar a su propia familia huye a Alejandría, disfrazada de eunuco, y allí aprende medicina...