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Four Short Stories

Here are "Four Short Stories" from England, from Africa and from India. Some are happy, some are sad. But all of them teach us a lesson about life. The stories are: Death and Money. Tobermory the Cat. The Monkey's Food. Can't Have Everything You Want.


Crocodiles must kill for food, but Old Big kills cows for a game. So Mr Kay, an Australian farmer, must kill him and so, preserve his farm. But Old Big does not want to die. K. R. Cripwell relates us the fight between the man and the "Crocodrile!".

The Point of Honour

I am writing a book about Spain in the Golden Age and I am reading the plays of Calderón. I am now reading El Médico de su Honra. It ia acruel play. It reminds me of a man I met in Seville a long time ago. I remember it...

The Mayflower Pilgrims

Sue Heringman relates us how elapsed the life in England and Holland and how "The Mayflower Pilgrims" decided to embark towards another way of life and another place: America. Sue narrate us the trip, the meeting with Indians tribes, their first winter, the life in the Colony and the...

Myths and Legends

Tales of heroic knights, dragons, leprechauns and magic - all can be found in the myths and legends of the British isles. This entertaining collection of stories captures the imagination of the reader and provides endless opportunities for discussion and debate. Read how George saves the princess from the...

British Myths and Leyends

Tales of heroic knights, dragons, leprechauns and magic - all can be found in the myths and legends of the British isles. This entertaining collection of stories captures the imagination of the reader and provides endless opportunities for discussion and debate. Read how George saves the princess from the...
Narra "A Walk Through Spain (1935)" un viaje que hace el protagonista a través de España en la década de los 30 del siglo XX comenzando por Galicia y bajando hacia el sur a través de las dos Castillas hasta la costa mediterránea de Andalucía.

A Visit to the Doctor

"A Visit to the Doctor" explica y desarrolla el vocabulario habitual usado durante una visita al médico, desde presentarse en Recepción hasta que se despide del galeno.

Relato de una madre

Victoria Gillick, madre de diez hijos, madre de familia numerosa rebelde indomable que cuenta con buen humor y enérgico optimismo, sus peripecias para dar de comer y educar a tanto chiquillo. Y también relata su vibrante campaña en favor del derecho de los padres a mantener intacta la responsabilidad...

Mi pie izquierdo opinio

"Mi pie izquierdo" está basada en la autobiografía del pintor y escritor irlandés Christy Brown que, pese a padecer una parálisis cerebral, luchó para superar sus limitaciones y conseguir hacer realidad sus sueños. Historia de un hombre que se sobrepone a la adversidad. Afectado por una parálisis cerebral, llegó a ser...