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ciencia ficción

I, Robot. Short Stories

A human being is a soft, weak creature. It needs constant supplies of air, water, and food; it has to spend a third of its life asleep, and it can't work if the temperature is too hot or too cold. But a “Robot” is made of strong metal. It...

Zargon Zoo

A story at Level 2 of a series of children's illustrated readers which are graded at five levels, according to length and complexity of plot. The stories cover a wide variety of genres, and have both British and foreign settings. Paul Shipton narrates us how Phil thinks Grantford is boring,...

The Truth Machine

"It is the year 2004. Violent Crime is the number one political issue in America. Now the Swift and Sure Anti-Crime bill guarantees a previously convicted violent criminal one fair trial, one quick plea, then immediate execution. To prevent abuse of the law, a “Truth Machine” must be built...